A new Harry Potter World for Sims 3, with Hogwarts Castle, Hogsmeade Village and the Grounds - "Hogwarts Forever"- is AVAILABLE to everyone!! For the Architect this project finished right now, and he would like that you continue his job.
Because only Hogwarts can live forever!
Enjoy and leave a comment!!!
Hogwarts Castle

Me ;)
Hogwarts Grounds
Hogwarts Castle
Great Hall
Transfiguration Classroom
Charms Classroom
Myrtle's Bathroom
Dumbledore's Office
Portrait Gallery
Chamber of Secrets
Herbology Greenhouses
Umbridge's office
Slytherin Common Room
Grand Staircase
Gryffindor Common Room
Hospital Wing
Potions Classroom
Prefects' Bathroom
Hogwarts Portraits
Hogwarts Grounds
Entrance Courtyard
Quidditch Pitch
Hagrid's Hut
Hogsmeade Village
Hogsmeade Village
Three Bromsticks
Inside Three Bromsticks
Inside Three Bromsticks
Residential Area
Entrance to the Ministery of Magic
Shrieking Shack
Zonko’s and HoneyDuke’s
Inside Zonko's
Hogsmeade Station
"Hogwarts Forever" - the project in Youtube
Epic discover of Chamber of Secrets :)